A popular advert for a leading credit card company says “There are some things money can’t buy, for others there is MXXXXXCard”
Philosophically it can be said that money is not the most important thing in this world, but the fact is that without money, none can survive. We need money to buy food, buy a roof at our head, buy services to sustain our life/lifestyle and above all it gives us a kind of security.
- When you are a student, you need money to fund education
- When you start working, you need money to buy basic necessities
- When you are married, and have family, you need money to build wealth and buy comforts
- When you are sick, you need money for the healthcare
- When you retire from work, you need money to sustain your lifestyle and fund expenses
- When you are dead, you need money for your last rites
Money is required for every single stage of your life. We live in a world that thrives on Money. We don’t see this trend passing / changing anytime soon. The best thing is to use money as a tool, a mere tool so attain happiness. Not in terms of buying all luxuries available out there but to make wise decisions to have happiness and spread happiness in life of people who are connected with us.
Money is important but it’s also JUST money. Of course we should study hard, work hard to earn money but at the same time we must not lose our sleep over money. We should strive for a balanced life where you stop and smell the roses at will.
Wealthsamurai is about living life being lively, not about running around scouring for money all the time. We must focus on living a quality life instead of measuring our life by quantity of stuff we buy